8th brokerage firm license in Lithuania

Motieka & Audzevičius Financial Services and Compliance team has successfully assisted UAB “DeRISK Business Solutions“ in obtaining a Category C financial brokerage firm license under the Law on Markets in Financial Instruments.

The target market of the financial brokerage firm is professional investors. The client is going to provide such investment services:

  • reception and transmission of orders,
  • management of portfolio of financial instruments, and
  • provision of investment advice.

The firm will advise companies on capital structure, business strategy and other related issues, advise and provide services related to corporate reorganization and acquisition, general (investment research, financial analysis) recommendations related to transactions on financial instruments. It will also be able to provide certain investment services related to the financial instruments, assets or other objects to which the derivatives are linked.

We were responsible for the drafting of the licensing documents as well as coordination of the overall regulatory process with the Bank of Lithuania.

UAB “DeRISK Business Solutions” will employ artificial intelligence tools to provide investment services for its clients. UAB “DeRISK Business Solutions” is only the 8th financial brokerage firm in Lithuania.

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