Litigation concerning the repayment of the loan

Our team has represented the claimant in a litigation concerning the repayment of the loan.

An apartment was bought and the payment was made in two installments: the first one was covered by a private investor, the second, at the time of purchase agreement finalization, was paid by our client instead of the defendant.

Firm’s lawyers argued that parties had made an apartment financing agreement under which the investor paid the money for the builder; however apartment’s ownership rights were assigned to the defendant. The apartment purchase agreement indicated that the builder had received money from the defendant, but not from the investor. Later, the private investor transferred the right of the claim under the financing agreement to our client. So the client had the claim to the defendant by financing and apartment purchase agreements. The defendant claimed that due to the fact that he was not the party in any of the transactions, claimant’s requirements were null and void. Despite the arguments provided by the defendant, Vilnius Regional Court satisfied the claim made by our client.


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