Supreme Court victory in an unfair competition case

A client, whose core business is freight transportation (forwarding) services, was drawn into a dispute, where a former business counterparty filed an unfair competition claim for almost half a million in damages with the threat of increasing the disputed amount after document disclosure.

The counterparty, acting as the client’s agent, accused the client of having allegedly transferred a trade secret to a related third party and, based on that trade secret, of having provided freight transportation services to other businesses found in the restricted area. The dispute was heard twice before the Lithuanian Court of Appeals and eventually reached the Supreme Court of Lithuania.

The Supreme Court of Lithuania upheld our position fully, including that the counterparty has not proven the characteristics of a trade secret of the information it shared with the client nor its required attempts to protect the information that was shared.

On this basis, the Supreme Court of Lithuania finally put an end to almost a four-year marathon of litigation by fully dismissing the claim of the former business counterparty.

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