Anti-money Laundering

Motieka & Audzevičius implements the principles and standards of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing as well as international sanctions and restrictive measures.

Following the requirements, we are obliged to carry out due diligence before establishing and continuing business relationships with clients and business partners.

When conducting due diligence, we aim to get to know and assess each client or business partner, and therefore we ask to:

  • complete the KYC/KYB questionnaire,
  • provide details of your identity, activities, income, etc.;
  • provide documents to prove it,
  • provide other relevant information.

We process the information provided by clients and partners under strict confidentiality obligations and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We only share this information with third parties in exceptional circumstances and only when required by law.

Motieka & Audzevičius complies with the following legislation when implementing AML/CFT requirements and international sanctions and restrictive measures:

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