Challenge of arbitrators in international investment arbitration

Dispute resolution in Lithuania

Our associate Rimantas Daujotas has published his latest publication “Challenge of arbitrators in international investment arbitration”, which was recently released in the periodical scientific law journal of Vilnius University “VU mokslo darbai. Teisė”.

The article discusses the standard of successful challenge procedure of ICSID arbitrators and whether the cause of the small number of successful challenges is due to the provisions of the ICSID Convention or whether it is down to the reluctance of arbitrators to apply external standards, such as the Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration (IBA Guidelines). The author analyzed the interpretation of the ICSID Convention as well as the practice of challenge procedures in ICSID practice.

Since 1957, Vilnius University Faculty of Law has been publishing the periodical journal “VU mokslo darbai. Teisė”. Scientists from all the main institutions of law and education publish their articles in this journal which represents legal science in Lithuania and abroad. The journal is released four times a year and has an edition of approximately two hundred copies.

For further reading please refer here.

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